Sept 19, 2012 Fall Shift………Missplaced


I discovered this old  post while I was doing a little house cleaning this week. Please note the date at the top… as you can see this is old material.   When I talked with my web master, she suggested that I post it even though it is old- so I  doing so.  Please feel free to skip it if you are not interested.




Hello to all,

The weather has really turned colder the last few days.  I put another quilt on the bed and left the window open, but I do not feel I can do that too long.  We have had a bit of rain around here as well.  I enjoyed the  Diva meeting before I went off to Maine.   Donna is showing off her fimo doll creations in this picture.  She collects the rocks from the shore of the lake and then builds the little dolls to just fit on them.     Another gal in the group showed off her newest book creation.  The pages are all made from fabric with the images collaged and printed on them.  I feel really happy to be included in such a creative and divers group of gals.

I am getting ready to go away again- this time to Idaho with my friend Marty for two weeks.  I will try to post some photos next Thur -but  if I can not figure it out I will send a bunch when I get home.      I have lots to share now though.  The class   I taught on card making went well.  Everyone went away with at least four cards and one gal had 8.  They cut their stamps from erasers  in the morning.  Stamped them on fabric.  Them made cards by combining the images with bits of ribbon, paper and more cloth  all afternoon.  One gals in the class said she liked her work so much that she was going to take it home and frame it instead of sending it through the mail.

Elinor cut both ends of her eraser into a rabbit pattern- one positive and one negative.  Then she created yardage by alternating them when she printed the images.

 I  really was quite pleased with how well they did there work.   Then at the quilt  group meeting the next day they all brought them back and proudly showed them off.   Marty also showed off her new coat at the show and tell portion of the meeting.

I hope everyone is enjoying the start of the fall season.  I always get excite about quilting as the weather cools down and I feel more confined to the house.

Keep Creating

