Everson Show


The big event in my life this week was the opening of the Everson show: (Re)Generate.   It is a show of women’s work from  gals all over 60 years old.  I was invited to participate and this is my Wildfire piece that is there.   The show is up until Jan 15.   I am very happy to be a part of this show along with so many friends.     The other event this week was a FAB meeting.  We went to Nancy’s new home.  It is wonderful with great views and splendid rooms.   In the basement there is a wonderful old pool table and some very old billiard   balls.BillardsI could not resist this colorful shot.

Progress Report: Noogoora/Cockleburs   All the parts are attached now and I have even done additional quilting in the form of more branches to fill in.  I will add the facing and finish it this week I hope.

Totem Fox IMG_2452I continue to do the quilting on this piece.   I am just about half way done with that step now.

Waterfall   I added the painted dryer sheet for the water fall yesterday and a bit of silk paper.   I will now free motions quilt it all down.











Meadowlark IMG_2444 All the base machine drawing is done now and I am ready to wash out the stabilizer.   Then on to the  felted  base.

Jeanne’s Project    I keep building away on this project.   It is slow because,  I audition a piece of fabric, look and then decide if it should be stitched on.     The if it works I stitch and move on to the next row.   I think she will be happy when it is complete.

IMG_2451Collection VI    I started a new work in this series this week.   There is not a lot on the surface yet but the building is part of the fun of these projects.

Cards: Inspire Be aware and open to the world around you.

IMG_2438 We never Know      One never knows what will spark a new direction or work.

I hope the holidays bring you joy and delight.

Keep Crating
