January Joys



This work Sun Skies 24” X 35”,  along with thirty of my other experimental pieces was hung in the gallery at May Memorial on Genesee St yesterday.   That is why I did not do the post.   I spent all day on Wed preparing for that hanging by pressing, making labels and  fixing my hanging units to work in that space.   I really like more than a week to prepare for a show and that was all I had this time.   IMG_2551  One does need to take the opportunities when they arise .      This work is Ice Crystal Forming.

Progress Report: Totem Fox This work is 20” X 27”.   It is my solution to the Totem Challenge by the Sisterhood of the Scissors.   I tried to keep the color range limited like the native Americans do with their totems and at  the same time make the work my own. IMG_2582I feel like I did so with this machine appliqued work.    I found all the hand quilting to be very calming during all the rush of the holidays too. IMG_2583


Rocky Shore- Elements Series I This work is 15.5” X 19” and the first in the Elements Series.    I was following the online class instructions and although the body of the work was done long ago I did not get to the finishing section until last week.   I faced the first one that I finished Gathering Storm  as she suggested.  This one I used the small binding method but could not do the sheer ribbon technique that she suggested because I did not have the materials. IMG_2561 I will apply the technique to a later work. IMG_2562




 Forest Fire- Elements Series 3  This work is 17”X 21”.   With this one the finishing was to be done with a binding that changes color as it went around the quilt.  I  think in this case that was a strong idea as having an orange strip at the top of this work surely would have limited it. IMG_2565I enjoyed using Angelina for the spark in the fire and  the painted organza too.IMG_2566 There is a little silk paper in this work as well.


Waterfall- Elements Series 4  This work is 18.5” X 22”.  It too has Angelina and silk paper in it.    The big tree on the left is made with yarn, bits of fabric and nylon netting.   Some of the smaller stones where made with squeeze paint on fabric- one of the lesson’s from the class.IMG_2570 The  finishing   of this work includes a  binding with  a beaded element for a bit more sparkle .IMG_2571  I learned some new tricks to apply to my collections of effects and I am glad I did all the projects.

Jeanne’s Quilt IMG_2552 I just keep adding to this work and it keeps growing.  I hope to get to the  side this week and then only the flaps will remain

Forest Flock    All the little red and gray birds are finished for this project.  I have drawing and started the blue and gray ones as well.  ( they are at the bottom)

IMG_25583X3 Challenge   Now that I have finished the Totem project I am ready to move onto this challenge.   The rules include making nine little quilts that go together into a bigger piece that is 3X3.   All the blocks need to contain some black and white as well.   I have decided to make my blocks 20”X20” and use this black and white print.    This will change with time but I think those elements are set.

IMG_2554Knitting  Because I have not gotten far enough along on the 3X3 challenge and I have no other hand work I knitted as my hand project this week.


Label Cards: Dream   I had to use this Fortune  Cookie  as it made me laugh.  Dreams do not need to be big ones, but they can grow.  It is most important that one dream.






 Hope , like laugher and honey is a comedy that we need more of  in this world.

Keep Creating
