Winter Week

A A SatHello,

This week was a quiet one for the most part.   I did go to the Associated Artists meeting on Saturday and  enjoyed Julia’s talk about her collage technique.   She mostly paints textured papers and uses them to create her her work.   Her talk was informative.

IMG_2812We had a snow storm  this week so I did snow dye.   IMG_2816It was not  a real successful.  The yellow was power as I have used in the past.  The other colors were mixed liquids  and they did not take so well.   Too much dilution after soaking through the snow  I think.   I always think experimenting is worth while  however,   one always learns something- even learning what does not work, increases one’s knowledge. Tanya's Paintings

I had lunch with Tanya this week and she is working on Yupo paper with inks.   It sure make a bright splash of color in this dark time of year.

Progress Report:   Starfish  This little work is 12” X 12” and is what I want to send off to the QSDS  auction this year. IMG_2839  I added the French Knots on the starfish  to give it the texture  I was after  and add color.    IMG_2841

This work spawned another in the same vain.   I enjoyed doing the starfish so much I started a second. IMG_2827I see now that the starfish is too big for the background so it will have to find another home and I will have to build a different one for this project.

Scrap Happy  I did finish up the  quilt  that I was doing for  the Bed for Kids project and I passed it on to them on Tues.  In doing the back for that project I discovered  that I had a lot of material for making backs and so I decided to make another top to use up some of those pieces.   Angela had given me a box of fabric that she no longer felt she would use.    I pawed around in that box and came up with two fabrics that I though would make nice center blocks for this project.   I like the fruit ladies print  and the green batik she gave to me.

Shore Lines  Last March when I visited Cris we took a walk along the shore  and saw an egg sack of some sort and created a little challenge.  I am starting to respond to that challenge now.   The egg sack looked a little like the white unit on this piece.

3 X 3  C-3  This block is at a good stopping point for now.   Working in this segmented fashion   is difficult for me.   I find that I want the units to interact with one another and the whole and so I decided this one was complete for now.  When I get them all done I will look at the whole and make decisions about what if anything is needed to complete the project.

A-3  This is black 3 in column A.  It does not touch the other block pictured so it is difficult to see how they relate to one another.  That is part of the difficulty/challenge of working this way.   The process is   good for me I think and I am working excitedly on it

IMG_2836Label Card  Live Now    I think this message is good for all of us.   Life is short so do not put things off.

Keep Creating


PS   the post next week will be on Friday as  I will be away on Thursday  – weather permitting.