Leaves and Bare Trees


We are in a time when the fall has  finally hit us.  For six days we had beautiful Indian Summer weather and it was glorious.  The sun was bright and the leaves were colorful although drifting down.  I worked in the yard   as did many others.  Then yesterday  it rained and today it is cold an gray as we return to real fall like weather.   The city has cleaned up most of the leaves  in the streets, so walking is back to being a silent  activity.    With most of the leaves gone one can see great distances again.  The bare trees  also  ravel lots of leave ball squirrel nests  as they too have prepared for the change of season.   I feel fortunate to live were the environment shows great change with the seasons. 

I had several ZOOM meetings this week.      This is my project for the Pixies using Roberts crows to make stencils and them applying them to the surface of fabric.   I plan to build up the surface more too.

There was also a DIVA meeting on Tuesday .  It is always so stimulating to talk to fellow  fiber Artists.        Then I topped off the week by going to the Quilts = Art = Quilts show at the Schweinfurth  Art Center  in Auburn.  Liz and I   wearing out masks meant  three other fellow Finger Lakes Fiber Artist there and it was delightful.     The show is amazing.     This work is by Candace Hackett Shively is called Unsafe, Unseen, Unheard 2018   is her response to the children that were separated from their parents at the boarder and are still in captivity, with no hope of being united with their parents.    What a shameful citation for our country! 


This piece is by Denise Labadie and is also in the show.  It is called  Bonamary Friday.  She hand painted all the rocks.





The Textile Artist Stitch Club also presented me with an new artist and challenge.   Ali Ferguson is the teacher and she walked us through how to make a seven signature book.   This is my cover.




Then she challenged us to  add stitch work inside.   Here is a start.







Progress Report: Rabbit Dancer  – Mayan Series   This quilt is 20″w X 25″ l.      I am excitedly looking forward to a show show of all of these works when the last one is done.


The rabbit head was especially fun to stitch.




Fire Dancer -Mayan Series   I am making great progress on cutting the parts for this next work in the series.   I am anxious to begin stitching on it too.





Squares A Dancing    Seven more completed and only two more weeks worht of  squares cut.   I need to start to think about how I want to assemble  the pieces of this work.

I now have 231 squares done.





Mexican Morning    I painted this in Mexico when I visited Susan in  January 2018.  I added color to the background this week and will begin to stitch it soon.






Lap Quilt  This work is all pin basted and ready for stitch in the ditch quilting soon.   I think its colorful pieces will cheer some wheel chair bound person.

Now I only have two more to build before I take them off the  nursing home.




3 X 3 Challenge    All the units plus on extra are pieced now.  I need to do the quilting and finish the units  next.   The squares are going to be 15″ square.






Burn   I  got going again on the free motion work on this piece.  I really love my new Phaff as it cuts the tread at the end of the stitching work and that really speeds me along.


Ethel Scrap work   When the Fall Retreat got cancelled I decided to put in and  hour everyday  assembling  the strips that Ethel had cut.   Tue was day 21 of that activity and Wed I would have started the retreat had it still be a reality.     Instead I started cutting 5″ squares from the assembled units.  The box is overflowing and I still have units to cut.  When they are all cut I  will begin to build blocks for  more then one quilt I  hope.

Black Rocks    I am doing handwork on this black project.   So far – so good.






Childhood Memories- The Nearby Wild
When I look back on those years in Carroll , I feel Gene and I were given great freedoms to explore beyond where Mom could keep an eye on us. We spent a lot of time building forts. One of the early ones was at the end of Adams street where the pavement ended in T to connect to a gravel road. Across the gravel road was a fenced farmers field. We built that first fort in the run off gully that was there by pilling limbs and brush against the fence to create a lean-to type of thing. Then we wove cat tails into the fencing to block off that side. It was a nice enclosed tunnel-like thing.
We also walked east up the gravel road, crossed the fence and walked across the farmers field to a raised portion of the land that was not cultivated. It was a big area that was where the farmer dumped debris. There were rocks from the plowing, and lots of old limbs and dead trees. There were live trees too, wild grasses and weeds and a rather steep but short gully. We called the area “ Dead Horse Canyon” even though the few bones that where there were from a cow. We were influenced by Cowboy shows and movies I’d guess. All the natural debris provided lots of building materials for forts and we usually had two or three going at the same time. We played lots of “Cowboy and Indian” out there. In the winter after a big snow storm we would walk out there too. The wind often blew the snow across the fields and piled it up in the gully. We would spend hours digging out forts and tunnels in the snow bank. Many was the time when we would stay a little too long and the walk home was very cold and uncomfortable with snow encrusted pants and coats. We went directly into the basement and shed our wet clothing, then run up stairs and quickly get into a hot bath to avoid frost bite.
If we walked farther to the east down the gravel road we would arrive at a new housing development. Most of the houses were going up at the north end of that area and we did not pay much attention to them at first . When other kids moved into the finished houses that story changed. For a few years we only went to the creek at the far east end of the area to fool around.  We caught frogs, and snakes along there. We would take them home to Mom who took them to school and put them in her classroom. At the far east end of the territory where another gravel road bridged the creek was a pond. Gene threw lots of rocks into that pond. It was fun to go under the bridge and yell as the cement tunnel distorted the sound. One winter after an especially long cold spell, Lee, Gene and I visited there. We ventured out on the ice as the pond was frozen solid. As kids we tried to break the ice by jumping on it. There was not even a crack. The Gene and Lee “dared” me to jump off the bridge and break the ice. I foolishly took the dare and on my way down after the jump – I thought to myself “ I’ll never do anything this stupid again!” I didn’t hit the ice square, so my feet flew out form under me and I hit hard on my behind. My heels did hurt a bit but not bad- and I did not crack the ice. We all realized how dangerous it was and didn’t tell anyone until much later. I was in my mid forties when I did tell Mom of my foolishness and she was appalled.    I never took any more dares either.

Stay safe, and create if you can



One thought on “Leaves and Bare Trees”

  1. Carol, your abundant creativity and openness to nature as muse is as amazing as your productivity! Taking new classes and being able to see in-person fiber-art shows as well as attend fiber art groups—not a moment wasted! You are an inspiration and always have been for all the years we’ve known each other.

    I also love reading your reminiscences; I feel that I am there having the experience with you.

    Just wanted to give you a shout out of appreciation. Miss seeing you and spending time with you! Hi to Barbara. Love, Roberta

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