Moving Along

I saw this toad on my walk this week. He is difficult to see. Looked for him in the same area every day sense, but no luck.   I am just glad to know he is in our world.
The Associated Artists had their opening for the Flight show.   This wing is Liz’s entry.   There was a woman who was 102 how came along with one of the other artist. It was fascinating talking with her. Openings can open one to new ideas and this one was especially simulating.

This is Barbara’s entry.  The top one sold that day too.






Liz took this shot of me  and my piece there.






Progress Report: Tee Shirt Quilt
This quilt in nearing the completions stage now. The back is complete and I am in the middle of the quilting.




Purple Squares-Nine patches I did a lot of work on this project this week. The some of the older blue blocks have been combined with the newly completed purple ones to create these four nine patch units.


I plan to make a second entry for the 3X3 show if I can get them done in time.






Hand Bag I made a new more colorful spring bag this week.





Scarp Assembly This process just keeps inching forward. I have been putting in about an hour every day stripping together fabric strips.



Preparations I am preparing to depart for QSDS on Sunday. I did two more drawings from the car was photos.   I think they will be a good jumping off place for me.

It also means that I have limited my color pallet and that means a concentrated box of fabric for me. I decided yesterday that I need a little security too, so I pin based a base for a new wild fire piece. I have a clear idea of what I want to do on it  so when I feel too frustrated with the car was project I can work on a piece with more potential for success.






Childhood Memoirs- Belief
As a child I had a great imagination. I really could believe in the stories that were read to me and fairies, witches, trolls and pixies were just out of sight. One summer day I spent with my Aunt May. I spent a frustrating morning trying to learn how to jump rope.   At lunch she talked to me about believing one could and would accomplish things with time and belief. “I belief you will learn how to jump rope”, she told me. After lunch she read a story about Aladdin and the flying carpet before I was to take a nap. I was fascinated by the idea and could not get to sleep for thinking about it. In my childhood mind, one didn’t need the carpet-just belief. So I climbed out the window over the poach and walked to the edge. I folded my arms, step off and folded my legs and proceeded to “Fly” down into the snowball bush. Aunt May say me “Fly” past as she was setting on the front poach  and screamed as I passed by. Needless to say the snowball bush was never the same. My only injuries were a few scratches.  Mom could not believe I had not broken anything – the power of belief saved me. I did conquer the jump rope later that afternoon too.
I am off to Quilt Surface Design Symposium on Sunday and will not return until June 3, so there will be no posting next week.
Keep Creating