Quilt and Surface Design Symposium


I am home form my adventure to QSDS.  Susan very generous and kindly asked me to ask me t replace her on this adventure. It was great!   This conference was held on the Columbus Collage of Art and Design  campus  in Columbus Ohio.    I was  in Independent Studio/ Master Class with Rosalie Dace for seven days. What a great way to imerce one in a new challenge. I prepared myself by choosing a new subject that I had never tried before and set a goal of trying to find ways to blur the edges of my work. I am pleased with my progress and will keep developing this train of thought.  My photos of the car wash were a great jumping off place. The class only had 7 folks in it.
Jenny was setting behind me and her simplified drawings developed into a wonderful work by the end of the week.




Sherry spent the week working on a quilt based on the back side of a water lily leaf.




Dale worked on a piece based on the blue sound in space.





Susan was preparing for a solo show that has 30 works in it. She is also writing a book and hopes to turn her quilts into posters to sell to other cooks.



Rosalie did hand work all week jumping from one project to another. This is one of my favorites.

I checked in with Victoria too and this shot shows her first piece dealing with fusing.



We took a field trip to on Wed. First stop was the Ohio Museum of Craft. I was delighted by this wonderful sunflower by Mark Wiesner. It made me recall my corrugated mask series that I did at SU.

The show was wonderful with a lot of great work.
Then it was back to the bus and off to Athens to Quilt National. No photos there of course but it was stimulating. I was looking seriously at how others blurred the edges and ways they quilted that were not the typical strait line work. I got lots of ideas.


Victoria’s fist class ended on Friday and she had three more works to add to her future.



There was a walk about on Friday too and I visited all the classes.




This is a shot of Pat Pauly’s dye class- one of five rooms.

 In keeping with my attention focus on machine work, I was fascinated by this work by Joe Cunningham that he had out for the walk about.
Victoria went on to a two day class with Joe for the weekend.







There was a challenge and Pat Pauly did these works in response to that.  The folks  where to do four little 12 X 12 quilts in red, yellow blue and green.   These are Pat’s yellow and blue works.




This is Susan’s response to green .






The teachers did a lecture one evening and this is a shot of Joe on stage talking about his work.





There was one other event that needs to be mentioned, it is not offered every year.    But on Tues at 11:45 we had to evacuate our beds due to a tornado alarm warning. We all went to the basement were we  enjoyed a sleep ware fashion show while we waited to return to sleep.
The week was great and I feel like a gained a lot from being there.













Progress Report: Geza series: Pants Leg Monster   This work  is 38.5″ w X  50″ l.     I did it in class with Rosalie. One of my faults is I try to put everything in one work and being in class stopped  me from dong that with this time.





The parts are suspended from the top with a few  “drops” running down as quilting.





Geza   Manzi         Manzi   is Zulu for  water.    I am still straggling with the quilting on this project. Again Rosalie saved me from trying to fill this with too much stuff.


Geza series: 3 I have not decided on a title for this work yet. It is loosly based on the bubbles sliding down the windshield and grew directly out of my photos . I had intended to put the Tyvec bubbles on top of Manzi .

This work is also my first mix of hand stitches with machine work.


Geza 4 I made the heat panels from silk paper before I left for Ohio. This  is early in the process and only pinned in place.






Geza 5 The car in front of me in the wash  kept tapping his breaks….. this work grew out of that.   I am feeling more confident just using the suggestion of the idea as my starting place then before this class.





Purple Squares At night in Columbus  I worked on my Daily Practice every eve. I got ten  blocks finished.

Childhood:  Milking     Grandfather Merritt taught me to milk when I was 10.   I was quite proud although I never developed enough stamina to to fill a bucket.   My cousin  Kelly was allergic to cow’s milk so they had goats.  Phoebe was her favorite and one day after proudly barging I could milk a cow she challenged me to milk the goat.  I almost completed the task and the goat kicked over the bucket and knocked me off my pride perch.

I had a good and full week and feel charged to go forward.

Keep Creating
